Friday 15 July 2016

15th July 2016 - Vocabulary and Vagueries

Thought for the day :" Sometimes I think I should drink less - then I realise that I'm obviously not drunk enough to be having this conversation with myself yet "

I am feeling a little out-classed..
I took the opportunity of doing one of those silly Facebook games - in this case one where you test your vocabulary based upon certain multiple choice answers - mainly on synonyms and antonyms - was quite proud of a 29,979 score - seemed sort of reasonable.. until I popped onto a friend's listing and found that they were discussing the merits of definitions - in German - with a higher score than I could achieve - well done Henningand co...

Henning Lechner Henning Lechner
13 hrs · ·
Oh, I didn't envisage this. ;-)
"You are Shakespeare! You can even create new words that will expand the Engilsh disctionary."
Reading or listening to fantasy literature seems to have at least some useful impact ;-)

Answer these simple questions to know your vocabulary size now! No registration, no bullcrap.
Roman Schätzle
Roman Schätzle Oh my, I got 10200. Rating: "An average 12 year old from US".
Philipp Weimann
Philipp Weimann "Synonym"
"synonym"Automatically translated
Henning Lechner
Henning Lechner Was möchte der Autor uns damit sagen?
What the author would like to tell us?Automatically translated
Philipp Weimann
Philipp Weimann Harbinger ist nicht wirklich ein Synonym für Omen. Portent wäre eine Option, aber das stand nicht zur Auswahl. Zum Beispiel. Anscheinend verstand der Autor des Tests das Wort Synonym als "etwas das in manchen Kontexten (doch nicht notwendigerweise in den meisten oder gar allen Kontexten) die gleiche (oder eine ähnliche) Bedeutung hat.
Harbinger is not really a synonym for omen. Portent would be an option, but it wasn't for you to choose from. For example. Apparently mind of the author of the tests the word synonym as " something that in some contexts (but not necessarily in most or even all contexts) the same (or similar) Significance.Automatically translated
Henning Lechner
Henning Lechner Naja ... Ja. Genau das ist ein Synonym.

"Teekesselchen" haben noch nie Synonymverwandschaften behindert.

Pronunciation: /ˈsɪnənɪm/

1A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close:
‘the East’ was a synonym for the Soviet empire
‘shut’ is a synonym of ‘close’
More example sentences
1.1A person or thing so closely associated with a particular quality or idea that the mention of their name calls it to mind:
the Victorian age is a synonym for sexual puritanism
1.2 Biology A taxonomic name which has the same application as another, especially one which has been superseded and is no longer valid.

(Oxford Dictionary)
Philipp Weimann
Philipp Weimann "Rain and snow" she thought. "That is always a bad harbinger"
Henning Lechner
Henning Lechner Siehe Definition. Genauso könnte ich sagen "She lives very shut to me". Ein Synonym ist nie 100% Deckungsgleich. Es sagt nur im richtigen Kontext das gleiche aus.See translation
Philipp Weimann
Philipp Weimann Diese in dem Test sind aber sehr weit von einander entfernt. Da wäre love und like, child und kid etc. Ich finde das ziemlich abstrakt, besonders in den Fällen, wo es bessere (und ähnlich obskure)Synonyme gibt.See translation
Henning Lechner
Henning Lechner Sie haben einfach nur die Frage zu einfach formuliert. Lies einfach "Welches der folgenden vier Worte kann unter bestimmten Umständen synonym zu ... eingesetzt werden?"See translation
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs

In other news - an atrocity in Nice as 84, including 10 children, are mown down at the bastille day celebrations in Nice...

And this appeared on my news feed :

May need to improve my vocabulary..
Have a silly picture...

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