Sunday 10 July 2016

10th July 2016 - A Pain in the Back ...

Thought for the day : "My bank balance is a constant reminder that I am safe from identity theft"
So, back early from CP event 3 - no photographs, no balance, and a bad back and a distinct limp...  Best theory at the moment is that I overdid the Strimming and twisted the back too much and slept heavily on a twinge ... I remember nothing other than getting up in the morning and finding that I could not walk - not a good start - expecially when needing to take the trailer up to Wigan with the Bothy.. but we got there - but wet mud was not a good environment for hobbling around with a stick...

So - not even really able to spend a long time at the computer - so only a short blog again today ...
Susie on her way to London to sing in the Houses of Parliament - so home alone ...  

May have to have a glass of port.... for medicinal purposes only of course...

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